Techniques of Analysis (WTW 224), 2nd year, University of Pretoria, 2020-2021. Calculus (WTW 114), 1st year, University of Pretoria, since 2017-2021. Analysis (WTW 220), 2nd year, University of Pretoria, 2017-2019. Dynamical systems (MAP 312), 3rd year, Rhodes University, 2013. Linear Algebra (MAM 201), 2nd year,Rhodes University, 2012. Numercal Analysis (AM 3.1), 3rd year,Rhodes University, 2011.
Creator and Co-Editor of the T&L@NAS Bulletin
Faculty newsletter which serves as a forum for forum for sharing thoughts, ideas, and stories on teaching and learning across the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences and the University of Pretoria. First issue published in August 2018.